
The great rego rip off

The disparity in caravan registration costs across the states continues to be a talking point among travellers, with NSW residents still suffering the biggest strain.

The NSW Government has been hitting caravanners with annual registration fees of $220 and $399 for an average caravan, but can be over $600 for larger vehicles.

Caravan registration in Queensland costs approx. $216 annually, while Victoria is just $55.50. No matter how you look at it, NSW is severely out of step.

Prior to the last NSW election, Roads Minister Duncan Gay announced a proposal to change the states out-dated light vehicle registration system. If accepted, it was predicted that rego costs could fall as much as 45 per cent.

More than 12 months on from that announcement, NSW hip pockets have yet to experience any financial reprieve – but a decision may not be far away.

A spokesperson for the Minster of Planning has said the issue is currently under consideration, and an outcome is expected in the coming months.

Only time will tell if the outcome is one in favour of vanners.
