Tassie Council to Close more free campsites

Article by · March 6, 2018 ·

They Mayor of Meander Valley Council has made a statement about the closure of the Westbury Recreation Ground to free camping and overnight stays. This is in response to the council stopping people from camping in the popular free-camping location, despite the fact the town doesn’t have a formal caravan park.

The statement says “Council must abide by planning regulations and national competition policy which govern how the Westbury Recreation Grounds may be used.” Mayor Craig Perkins continues, “Unfortunately, these regulations do not permit camping and/or overnight stops and the Westbury Recreation Ground is not equipped with the facilities required to support this activity,” It’s understood the council risks significant penalties for non compliance with planning regulations.

“Historically, a number of sites have been used for ad-hoc camping but there has never been a formal arrangement in place. The Westbury Recreation Ground is a local parkland for residents’ sport and recreation and is surrounded by residential properties. In response to this issue of non-compliance, Council must formalise arrangements around camping.

Council is still waiting for some further information from the Economic Regulator. There is some inequity that exists Statewide on this issue and it is hoped that post election we may be provided with further direction reasonably quickly. Council will be guided by the advice received from the State Government and we are mindful that a solution needs to be found that works for Meander Valley,” Mayor Craig Perkins said.

We value and welcome visitors to Meander Valley and there are a number of caravan parks in the municipality,” Mayor Craig Perkins said.

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There are a number of other free camping sites within the Meander Valley Council area and a spokesperson for the council has confirmed that the Bracknell River Reserve will be closed to campers ‘in the next week or so” and that the free campsite at Deloraine is also under review and may also be closed.

We’ll continue to update as we find out more.

See the original story here – Tasmanian Free Camp Shut Down By Council

If you’re planning a trip to Tasmania, what sort of campsites are you hoping to find? Comment below.


About Brendan Batty

ROAM's fearless editor, Brendan's most often found searching for the next best campsite, or fixing his caravan so it will make it to just one more.


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    Typical bureaucratic response!! What has happened to a bit of good old Aussie common sense.What a load of bulldust-I thought Tasmania was better than this.Clearly another evolving nanny state who have no concept or awareness of what an easy going lifestyle can be.
    Brian S.

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    Typical bureaucratic response!! What has happened to a bit of good old Aussie common sense.What a load of bulldust-I thought Tasmania was better than this.Clearly another evolving nanny state who have no concept or awareness of what an easy going lifestyle can be.
    Brian S.

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    This is just another example of councils run by rednecks with typical Tassie inbred mentality. Hope tourist figures are down next season !?

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    The real truth about free range is Hodgment government has no interest with local travellers ,as he is doing deals wih asian tourists spending their big bucks here so suck it up nomads spend your money on the big island

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    an upset resident.

    awesome! ABOUT TIME. its high time the freeloader community started paying their way. your arguments as always are bs. regardless of what you claim to spend it will always be less than a local rate payer. and none of us get free maintained land to live on, free water and waste water services, free rubbish disposal,

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